Saturday, August 31, 2019
Driving Mobile Phone
Persuasive Essay Using Cellphones While Driving Mobile Phone use while driving is common, but widely considered dangerous. Due to the number of accidents that are related to cell phone use while driving, some jurisdictions have made the use of a cell phone while driving illegal. I think use of cell phone while driving should be banned at any time, at any age or any circumstances. Cell phones are also a major distraction to the driver, because it not only occupies one's eyes but also one’s attention, which should be appointed on the road and though this causes an accident.Statistics showed that in 2009, 5,474 people were killed in the U. S. because of accidents that involved, distracted driving and another 448,000 were injured. Cell phones cause distraction and horrible accidents which even led to death. It’s obvious that it is rather dangerous to talk on the cell phone or text while driving. That is not only because you put yourself and other people at risk, but the mai n reason, I believe, is because it can ruin anyone’s life in a flash of a second. Using the mobile phone while driving impairs driving behavior worse than being drunk.Those talking on either handheld or hands-free cell phones usually drive slightly more slowly, they are 9 percent slower to hit the brakes when necessary, also showed 24 percent more variation in following distance and 19 percent slower to resume normal speed after braking. An experiment was done by CNBC which gave a reference of each condition showing how far in feet they were delayed. Driving sober without a cell phone in hand was forced to stop randomly without notice, commanded by a red light.Unimpaired took . 54 seconds to brake for a total of 55 feet. Legally drunk (. 08), took about 60 feet to stop, and sending a text took roughly 125 feet to come to a complete stop. Many unpredictable consequences may be caused by careless cell phone users; you can be late to the most important date with your potential s oul-mate or miss the only opportunity to become a millionaire, by being late to the most important business meeting, and you will remain alone and have to toil for rest of your days.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Management Information Systems and Its Importance
What you think Management of Information Systems is and why it is important in today’s business environment? Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organization. Modern businesses have been leveraging on MIS to manage, order, organize and manipulate the gigabytes and masses of information generated for various purposes. MIS helps businesses optimize business processes, address information needs of employees and various stakeholders and take informed strategic decisions.The development and management of information technology tools assists executives and the general workforce in performing any tasks related to the processing of information. MIS and business systems are especially useful in the collation of business data and the production of reports to be used as tools for decision making. With computers being as ubiquitous as they are today, there's hardly any la rge business that does not rely extensively on their IT systems (Kenneth C. Laudon).However, there are several specific fields in which MIS has become invaluable like in decision support systems, resource and people management applications, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), project management and database retrieval applications. 1) Support Strategy: While computers cannot create business strategies by themselves they can assist management in understanding the effects of their strategies, and help enable effective decision-making. MIS systems can be used to transform data into information useful for decision making.Computers can provide financial statements and performance reports to assist in the planning, monitoring and implementation of strategy. MIS systems provide a valuable function in that they can collate into coherent reports unmanageable volumes of data that would otherwise be broadly useless to decisi on makers. By studying these reports decision-makers can identify patterns and trends that would have remained unseen if the raw data were consulted manually. MIS systems can also use these raw data to run simulations – hypothetical scenarios that answer a range of ‘what if’ questions regarding alterations in strategy.For instance, MIS systems can provide predictions about the effect on sales that an alteration in price would have on a product. These Decision Support Systems (DSS) enable more informed decision making within an enterprise than would be possible without MIS systems (Obrien). The other area which MIs support is data processing. 2) Data Processing: Not only do MIS systems allow for the collation of vast amounts of business data, but they also provide a valuable time saving benefit to the workforce.Where in the past business information had to be manually processed for filing and analysis it can now be entered quickly and easily onto a computer by a d ata processor, allowing for faster decision making and quicker reflexes for the enterprise as a whole. 3) Management by Objectives: While MIS systems are extremely useful in generating statistical reports and data analysis they can also be of use as a Management by Objectives (MBO) tool. MBO is a management process by which managers and subordinates agree upon a series of objectives for the subordinate to attempt to achieve within a set time frame.Objectives are set using the SMART ratio: that is, objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Time-Specific. The aim of these objectives is to provide a set of key performance indicators by which an enterprise can judge the performance of an employee or project. The success of any MBO objective depends upon the continuous tracking of progress. In tracking this performance it can be extremely useful to make use of an MIS system. Since all SMART objectives are by definition measurable they can be tracked through the gen eration of management reports to be analyzed by decision-makers.Advantages of MIS: The field of MIS can deliver a great many benefits to enterprises in every industry. Expert organizations such as the Institute of MIS along with peer reviewed journals such as MIS Quarterly continue to find and report new ways to use MIS to achieve business objectives. Better Planning and Control: MIS has to be designed and managed in such way that it aggregates information, monitors the company's activities and operations and enhances communication and collaboration among employees (Obrien). This ensures etter planning for all activities and better ways to measure performance, manage resources and facilitate compliance with industry and government regulations. Control helps in forecasting, preparing accurate budgets and providing the tools and vital information to employees, top management and business partners. Core Competencies: Every market leading enterprise will have at least one core competenc y – that is, a function they perform better than their competition. By building an exceptional management information system into the enterprise it is possible to push out ahead of the competition.MIS systems provide the tools necessary to gain a better understanding of the market as well as a better understanding of the enterprise itself. Enhance Supply Chain Management: Improved reporting of business processes leads inevitably to a more streamlined production process. With better information on the production process, comes the ability to improve the management of the supply chain, including everything from the sourcing of materials to the manufacturing and distribution of the finished product. Disadvantages of MIS:Depending on organization deployment, usage and extraneous factors, some disadvantages related to Management Information Systems can come to the fore. Allocation of budgets for MIS upgrades, modifications and other revisions can be quite tricky at times. If budge ts are not allocated uniformly or as per immediate requirements, key functionalities might get affected and benefits might not be realized consistently. Integration issues with legacy systems can affect the quality of output and vital business intelligence reports (Kenneth C. Laudon). Risks Associated With MIS:Risk reflects the potential, the likelihood, or the expectation of events that could adversely affect earnings or capital. Management uses MIS to help in the assessment of risk within an institution. Management decisions based upon ineffective, inaccurate, or incomplete MIS may increase risk in a number of areas such as credit quality, liquidity, market/pricing, interest rate, or foreign currency. A flawed MIS causes operational risks and can adversely affect an organization's monitoring of its fiduciary, consumer, fair lending, Bank Secrecy Act, or other compliance-related activities.Since management requires information to assess and monitor performance at all levels of the organization, MIS risk can extend to all levels of the operations. Additionally, poorly programmed or non-secure systems in which data can be manipulated and/or systems requiring ongoing repairs can easily disrupt routine work flow and can lead to incorrect decisions or impaired planning (Obrien). Constant Monitoring Issues: Change in management, exits or departures of department managers and other senior executives have a broad effect on the working and monitoring of certain organization practices including MIS systems.Since MIS is a critical component of an organization's risk management strategy and allied systems, constant monitoring is necessary to ensure its effectiveness (Obrien). Quality of inputs into MIS needs to be monitored; otherwise consistency in the quality of data and information generated gets affected. Managers are not able to direct business, operational and decision-making activities with the requisite flexibility.Bibliography Kenneth C. Laudon, J. P. (n. d. ). Management Information Systems. Obrien, J. A. (n. d. ). Management Information Systems . 2006.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Detailed commentary between Hamlet and the Ghost Essay
The play ‘Hamlet’ was written in politically tempestuous times in London. Much importance surrounded the outward support of the monarch, Elizabeth. During her reign, religion caused divisions and factions of the Protestant church considered the theatre as sinful, amoral perhaps. In his plays, Shakespeare uses his understanding of humanity to entertain by addressing love, power, loyalty, honour and friendship. These values address unchanging aspects that touch us even today. At the time of this play, Shakespeare was experimenting and developing new theatrical techniques in an attempt to impress his audiences. ‘Hamlet’, a timeless tale of murder, is intended to portray the importance of the monarchy, family dynamics, friendships and betrayals. This then is the underlying setting of the theme for ‘Hamlet’ – opening on a dark winter night, creating an ethos of suspense and intrigue while providing entertainment to an otherwise deprived audience. The conversation between Hamlet and the Ghost can be interpreted and understood in many different ways. It is strongly suggested that the repercussions of this conversation will determine the revenge -tragedy that is the essence of the play ‘Hamlet’. The Ghost begins the colloquy by psychologically manipulating Hamlet into feeling sorry for him; he does so my declaring: ‘When I to sulphurous and tormenting flames,’ thus stating he does not have much time until he has to return to his Catholic purgatory, as he was not allowed to receive the obligatory sacrament before dying: ‘Uhous’led, disappointed, unanel’d. ‘ This would provoke a religious reaction of demonising the Ghost from a predominantly Protestant audience, thus creating a degree of tension – intentionally; a manipulative technique by Shakespeare. Throughout the exchange, ostensibly, the Ghost is attempting to stimulate Hamlet’s motive for revenge on Claudius. ‘If thou didst ever thy dear father love,’ the Ghost targets Hamlet’s filial duty as a son to seek revenge on Claudius because he committed fratricide and regicide. ‘Murder most foul, as in the best it is: but this most foul, strange and unnatural,’ the Ghost further provokes Hamlet to act. Knowing that Hamlet is a procrastinator, the audience is inciting him to take action. How can the Ghost, as the repentant soul it is, ask his son to go against God’s forbiddance of revenge? -‘ Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder? ‘ The Ghost really angers Hamlet when he mentions, ‘That incestuous, that adulterate beast:’ here is where Hamlet is hurt the most, as if adding more fuel to a fire, or rubbing salt to a wound. By use of metaphorical language,’ Prey on garbage’, the Ghost intends to compare itself to the ‘Radiant angel’, Gertrude representing lust and Claudius is the ‘filth’. ‘If thou hast nature in thee, bear it not,’ this really puts Hamlet in an awkward situation; he does feel for his father and clearly wants to seek revenge, but it is clearly against his religion and nature as a person to commit murder. The Ghost’s intention – in providing such vivid detail about his death – is to stimulate and provoke action from Hamlet. Hamlet’s reaction to the Ghost is surprisingly courageous. ‘As meditation or the thoughts of love may sweep to my revenge’. This statement is bursting with courage and bravery and it seems Hamlet will act. ‘O my prophetic soul,’ Hamlet claims he had, (in hindsight) always suspected, that it was Claudius who was responsible for the death of his father, although he has not mentioned it previously. This is a display of youthful assertiveness. ‘O all you host of heaven! O earth! What else? ‘ This statement shows just how distraught Hamlet is by the convergence of having lost his father; his mother perceivably, to Claudius; his throne to Claudius and receiving instruction from a Ghost! This apparition is telling him to seek revenge on Claudius – despite the fact that it may contradict his religious beliefs. By the following non – sequitur statement: ‘O most pernicious woman,’ Hamlet spontaneously turns his attention and thoughts once again towards his mother instead of focusing on the traitor who murdered his father. In this way, he reveals his Oedipus Complex once more: ‘O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain. ‘ This statement could be referring to Claudius, the Ghost itself, or his mother. It is most probable that this statement is referring to his mother because Hamlet seems most distressed by that fact that she re-married! By Hamlet’s light – hearted reference to the Ghost,’ You hear this fellow in the cellarage,’ Shakespeare intends to diffuse the doubting attitude of the audience, adding a fleeting touch of humour, perhaps. ‘As I perchance hereafter shall think meet to put an antic disposition on. ‘ Hamlet states he will behave in an eccentric manner, to appear to have taken leave of his senses – to try and learn more about Claudius’ treachery, To catch the conscious of the King’. What Hamlet has not realised is that even if he does find out more information about his uncle’s treacherous behaviour, no one will believe him because of his perceived madness. A contemporary audience would have been disappointed with Hamlet’s decision because they would have wanted Hamlet to act and seek revenge, not to be seen to hesitate or procrastinate. ‘Thou shall not kill’ – this is Hamlet’s religious belief. Here lies a problem for Hamlet. He has already promised revenge on Claudius, ‘I have sworn’t’ without thinking about the consequences of his actions. Hamlet, as a man of God, will find it difficult nigh impossible to kill, as it goes against the will of God, but would he break oath and defy the Ghost’s will? Hamlet is in a conundrum. The longer he waits, the situation intensifies. He is a well – read scholar, familiar with the melodramatic manifestations of the genre of a revenge-tragedy and therefore he plays the role of the typical tragic protagonist well. The Ghost acts and talks as though he still is was the King, ‘My most seeming virtuous queen. ‘ Here the Ghost reiterates to Hamlet that the Queen had nothing to do with his death and he should not think ill of her. However, the Ghost categorically proclaims that Claudius is guilty, ‘And in the porches of my ears did pour the leperous distilment’ and as a consequence of this he should suffer at Hamlet’s hand. The Ghost has already decided who is to blame; who should suffer and who must die. What gives him the authority to do so? It appears that the Ghost’s main purpose is to thicken the texture of the plot and to add to the theme of revenge. The supernatural serves to add a flavour of suspense, energy and tension to the play.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Analysing management and organisation through the medium of film. A Essay
Analysing management and organisation through the medium of film. A critical discussion of organisational culture and [motivation or power] with examples from the film - Essay Example In that scenario, the success of the organization will be minimal or even null. Thus, if a common, feasible and effective corporate working culture is ‘operationalised’ through out the organization, the organization can achieve maximum unity, productivity and success. The one person who can formulate, actualize and operationalize an effective organizational culture will have to be an effective leader. From time immemorial, the success or failure of an organization or any other human activity depends on the role, the leader plays. The leadership traits should be visible and should be put to effective use when the leader, as a ‘builder’ builds a group and as a ‘founder’ launches an organization. So, this paper will focus on how an effective leader should create an optimal organizational culture and incorporate motivation optimization strategies for the success of an organization, thus discussing the ineffective leadership role played by the Miranda character in the film The Devil Wears Prada in culture creation and motivation by following Schein’s iceberg model of culture (three levels of culture). One of the important first tasks of a leader in an organization (both in a new organization or in a existing organization) is the creation of a Culture. That is, the task of the leader is to create a working culture, embed the working culture in the working group and environment, sustain it and also rectify it, when faults occur. According to Schein (2004, p. 17) â€Å"The culture of a group can now be defined as a pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems†. Normally, Culture is created by shared experience
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18
Assignment - Essay Example Where is it at this time? Plan: Remember that gravity is acting against the ball, so the acceleration a = -g = - (constant of gravity near Earth’s surface) = - 9.8 m/s2. Due to gravity, at some point the ball is going to stop (v=0 at the maximum height that the ball reaches) and start to fall back down. We will use +y direction as the up direction. 2b.Next, from the same position, you throw an identical ball (Ball 2) straight down with the same launch speed as in the previous question. How fast will the ball be traveling 2 seconds later and where is it at this time?  The reason for this is that ball 1 reaches its maximum height, then falls back down. When it crosses the point where the platform is, it has the same speed it initially had when thrown up, only now it is going downwards with the same speed. Proof of this: Take ball 1, and find the final speed it would have if the final y value is the same as the initial y value (so that the ball is released from the platform, goes up, and comes right back to the platform). Use the equation vf2 = v02 -2g(yf-y0); the initial and final y values are the same, so their difference is 0 and we have vf2 = v02 -2g(0)= v02 ïÆ' ¨ in other words, vf and v0 have the same magnitudes, but different directions: vf = -v0 3.The ceiling of a classroom is 3.75 m above the floor. A student tosses an apple vertically upward, releasing it 0.5 m above the floor. What is the maximum initial speed that can be given to the apple if it is not to touch the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Service Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Service Marketing - Essay Example Service marketing in simple terms refers to both the business-to-business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) services and involves marketing such services as financial services, telecommunication services, all kinds of hospitality services, air travel, car rental services, professional services, as well as health care services (Lovelock & Gummesson 2004, p. 21). Thus, service marketing is a variety of the expressions and approaches of marketing ideas conducted with the hope of effectiveness in conveyance of ideas to wide range of population of individuals who receive it. As this paper is emphasizing on marketing of services, it is not good to overlook the concept of â€Å"service.†Services are the diverse economic activities offered to people or parties by another person or party. They are often time-based and effective performance brings about the desired outcomes to the objects, recipients, or the other assets of interest for which the purchasers have responsibility. The service customers anticipate value from their access to labor, goods, facilities, professional skills, systems, and networks in exchange for time, money, and effort. However, service customers do not assume ownership of the diverse physical elements involved (Lovelock & Wirtz 2011, p. 35). In the present day, every business entity is interested in promoting its business with such strategies of marketing that will foster its performance via the roof. There are numerous service sector businesses plugged with techniques of product marketing and this is the prime time for them to improve their marketing performance. In fact, services are totally different from products since they are intangible. In addition, the target audience for products and services is different hence the need of applying different strategies of promotion in order to attract potential clients. For effective promotion of services in order to generate significant buzz, service marketers are encouraged to employ 7 Ps i n their strategies of service marketing mix. The 7 Ps marketing mix is an extension of the 4 Ps marketing mix, which are the known as the marketing core strategies. The purpose of this paper is to provide advice to Mr Hirohito in his new venture of starting a high street restaurant in London. The paper shall provide information of how to develop appropriate strategies aimed at extended services marketing mix. It will also provide recommendations for action and preparation and presentation of informed, systematic, and effective marketing report as the basis for marketing decisions. Background Information: Hirohito Yamachu set up Wakaba Ltd, a London-based food company, in 2009 after being made redundant while working as head chef in Bank of Japan’s staff restaurant. The main business of Wakaba Ltd is involved in the supply of ready-to-eat ‘sushi’ meals and cooked Japanese cuisine to staff via company canteens in London City area. Currently, the business prides in its list of clients, which includes J P Morgan, Bank of Japan, Barclays, Chase Manhattan, and City Corp. While working there, his cooking was loved and much favored by the employees of the company unlike most of the other staff canteens. CEOs and senior managers even invited business clients, relations, and friends from outside for lunch in the staff restaurant. In 2008, unfortunately, Hirohito Yamachu became a casualty as the restructuring plan of the company as well as the ensuing BPR exercise reached an agreement of outsourcing in-house catering facilities. Termination of his career made him to establish his own business. Bank of Japan became his first client, as he did not need much introduction or serious marketing efforts. His cooking was done at his home with the aid of some family members
Monday, August 26, 2019
A Multitude of Dilemma in the Global Economy Essay
A Multitude of Dilemma in the Global Economy - Essay Example Ethical codes were made by companies to safe guard the integrity of their organizations. Not only did ethics direct and guide companies in making decisions that are morally acceptable by the society it also opened doors for companies to be marketed and patronized by the society. But ethical decisions are not always as easy to attain for there are factors that could affect decision making skills of an individual whether an ethical or unethical decision is being made. This paper will cover ethics and integrity, ethical marketing strategy and the factors that affect ethics in a work place. Key word: ethics, integrity, factors, companies, marketing strategy Ethics and Integrity: A multitude of dilemma of employees in the global economy Every person spends almost half of his life learning. Parents invest and send their children to school so that at the very end of the school years a new breed of educated people is set loose along the adult world. Have people ever wondered that it is not j ust out of love but of security that parents make sure their kid gets the best education there is? And what could be the bottom line? Better education gets better job opportunities. And after setting loose in the vast world of economic arena the aim is now to find a better job, if not the best all parents have dreamt of for their children. Some say getting the best job feels even longer than the years spent in education. And it seems that the best jobs are like elusive prize after a hard fought battle in the job hunting arena. And then there it goes the end of the rainbow is the job hunters ever coveted. The hunting stopped but the making a mark and finding a personal meaning in the job, and eventually conquering, has just started. A good job requires a field of action wherein a person can put his best capacities to work and that there is essence in what he does; there is an effect in the world. People value work for the many wonderful gains people get from working or doing their jo b just right. Work brings food on the table, work pays the bills, work provides budget for leisure and other fun activities, and work gives personal and social satisfaction to a person. All these things are just a few of the many positive things a person can attribute to having a particular work. In the global economy today different kinds of work have sprouted from all kinds of fields of industry- textile, food, manufacturing, computer technology and many more. The world is a vast economic arena with many competitors and stakeholders participating in its global performance. The success of every company lies in the best marketing strategy to make it sell like hot cakes in the middle of a variety to choose from. And the best marketing strategy is something that helps a company achieve a sustainable movement towards the economic stress. And amidst the many choices of companies and industries to choose from every company must put their best foot forward in order to have the edge over t he rest. Some companies stick to what is right while others stick to their goals no matter how to achieve
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Henrys intelligent investment, for the love of Portia Essay
Henrys intelligent investment, for the love of Portia - Essay Example Mark Twain’s â€Å"Million Pound Bank Note†is a version of a well acquainted and balanced contrast of romance and business prospects. Henry, who had been a pauper, was naively turned into a millionaire, when romance hit his life and a â€Å"million pounder bill†knocked his luck with business. Henry Adams (the main actor of the story) became the unanimous dupe of a bet put forth by two old gentlemen. A million pound bill was handed over to him as part of the bet, in order to negate the hypotheses of the two brothers, of whether or not he could be able to survive for a month. Henry made business on something that was unreal. His astuteness and honesty served as powerful resources for him, nurtured with his past experience as a clerk and interest in stock brokers. He made his experience, good will and sincerity count and found the love of his life with a status of a millionaire. He gained without spending a penny. Portia Langham came into his life and they instant ly fell in deep love with each other. Being an honest person by nature, he told every bit of his story to her of how he became rich, yet standing poor. Henry’s romance and business prospects went equally hand in hand throughout the story.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Pedophiles and Lack of Harsher Punishment Essay
Pedophiles and Lack of Harsher Punishment - Essay Example Thus, for most people, the term pedophilia is not a legal term but a diagnostic one. Prosecutors and law enforcement in cases involving computers frequently use the word pedophilia (Borgeson and Kuehnle, 2010). Hall and Hall (2007) state that pedophilia is a clinical diagnosis generally made by a psychologist or psychiatrist. It is neither a legal nor criminal term like forcible sexual offense, and legal term id generally used in criminal statistics. There are laws that govern acts committed by pedophiles. One such law is the Megan’s law. However, it is difficult to estimate how the Megan’s law affects pedophiles. The definition of the term pedophilia does not allow the determination of whether the pedophilic individual is a sexual offender (a child molester) or not. It is important to note that not all pedophilic individuals are child molesters. An individual with any paraphilia condition can be legally involved in it through masturbation and fantasizing (Borgeson and Kuehnle, 2010). Punishments given to those who commit pedophilia usually vary. There are states where the punishment is harsher compared to other states. In regard to punishment, there is an ongoing debate on whether the punishment for those committing sexual assault crimes should be made harsher or not. However, majority of the people are of the opinion that harsher or tougher laws will reduce the occurrence of these crimes (CQ Press, 2006). Thus, punishments for those who have committed pedophilic crimes should be made harsher. Harsher punishment will reduce the rate of pedophilic crimes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the form of punishment given to sexual offenders such as pedophilic individuals and propose the punishments to be harsher or tougher. As stated before, experts are of the opinion that harsher punishment will reduce the incidences of sexual crimes. In some states, there are tests done to ascertain if the individual has really reformed before release from prison . In Texas, sixteen months before the release of an offender, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice can have the individual evaluated to know whether he is an SVP (sexually violent predator). If the individual is found to be an SVP, then he is eligible for treatment as an outpatient sex offender upon his release (Garib, 2011). The study is of great significance because the majority of the sex offenders are treated with blanket punishment, thus, they cause collateral consequences which develop more risk to the entire public (Hiller, 2011). Failure to treat pedophilic individuals and their release back to the society defeat the whole purpose of child protection. Despite the fact that experts are advocating for harsher punishments, there is a need for an individual to be treated before he is released to the society. This makes sure that the individual is fully reformed after he has served his sentence in prison and the risk of children being harmed is reduced. Literature Review A pe dophile and a child molester have been often confused by child abuse professionals, the media, and the general public. They regard pedophiles as all individuals who sexually victimize children. However, there is no uniform definition of the word pedophile. It is important to note that pedophilia is a psychiatric diagnosis done only by qualified psychiatrists or psychologists. Not all child molesters are pedophiles. As mentioned before, an individual suffering from any form of paraphilia can be legally involved in it through
Friday, August 23, 2019
How is the HRM function of multinational companies organised and what Essay
How is the HRM function of multinational companies organised and what are the specific issues of imternational HRM for multinati - Essay Example The MNCs play a significant role in the process of international trade as they play the main vehicle by which the maximum amount of goods and services penetrate around the world and they are â€Å"the principal agents of internationalization of the world†(Ferner, 1994). The study of the Human Resource Management in the context of the multinational corporations needs no justification as according to United States 73 million people were employed by the MNCs in the year 1994 which represents almost 20% of the employment in the industrial sector worldwide. Moreover almost 40% of the working population depends indirectly on the MNCs for employment. As these companies employ people of different countries with different cultural economical and social backgrounds, the strategies, policies and practices concerning with the Human Resource Management of these companies are perhaps the most complicated among all managerial works. The larger the company will be in terms of the exposure an d geographical reach the more will be the number of the employees of the company and hence more complicated will be its management .An effective human resource management is very necessary in order to gain competitive advantages in the market as the MNCs compete to capture the market share of countries. (Tayeb, 2005, pp. 4-5; Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2005) Organization Human Resource Management System in a MNC Human resource management involves achieving goals of the company through management of the employees of the company and is essentially the invention of the Americans. HRM system is based on the assumption that all personnel activities of the employees are integrated not only with each other but also strategically with the objectives of the organization as a whole and it is the function of the HRM to utilize this asset to the best use of the organization. HRM designs the management system to ensure human talent is effectively and efficiently used in order to meet th e goal of the organization. This system of management emerge because of the requirements of the companies and the labor market conditions prevailing in the country. The system of management gain importance mainly in the ‘non unionized companies’ of the country. With the success of the management in the country it becomes increasingly famous in other developed countries mainly the European nations as they adopt the system with changeable scales of success. (Tempel, 2001, pp.113-114) With the growth of a multinational company the workforce of the organization changes and hence the law and the needs of the company also changes. So the activities of the HRM need continuous change. HRM considers how the human resource contributes to the overall strategies of the companies and hence are implemented in regard to the overall strategy consideration of the company. Porter in 1985 divides the functioning of companies into two parts. First comes the primary activity which involves inbound and outbound logistics, marketing and sales activities and operations. The second part is the supportive activities of a company which includes infrastructure and technological development, procurement and HRM. This is because HRM along with the other supportive activities ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of the former activities. A fundamental question that often arises is whether a better HRM strategy creates more market value or the financially successful companies
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Roles and Desires of Men in the olden times based on the Story Faust Essay Example for Free
Roles and Desires of Men in the olden times based on the Story Faust Essay In the lives of men and women, different thoughts and desires have come to their minds. Various types of needs and aspirations are known to have been in the back of their minds. With this thought, most of these men and women tend to aspire things which sometimes translated into dreaming. In the psychoanalyst’s point of view, dreaming is something that is from our unconscious. The thoughts which different individuals had which had been pushed in the back of their minds show while we are in deep slumber. In the book scene The Witch’s Kitchen is able to analyze the theory made by Sigmund Freud relating to the story written by the Goethe â€Å"Faust†. The story of â€Å"Faust†is a German Folk Tale in which many different authors had created their own version in order to relate to their time. Through all the available versions, Freud utilized the Goethe’s version in order to explain his theory of â€Å"Outline of Psychoanalysis†(Prokhoris Foreword). Sabine contradicts most of the theory made by Freud and explains that the literary work of Goethe is just a material in which the psychoanalyst utilized in order to make his theory evident. But still, Sabine explained in the whole book that the theory is unlikely to be related to the written work of Goethe. It is stated that the different actions of characters where only a translated or related as such due to the desire of Freud to explain his thoughts and justify his claim. However, in this paper, the analysis of the scene in The Witch Kitchen would not be close to psychoanalysis instead, it would focus on the regular lives of individuals. The analysis in this paper desires to relate the scenes which had made in the earlier period to the current state of mind of various individuals as well as the existing values and lifestyles of people. In this scene, the drama for the first time enters a feminine sphere after dwelling almost exclusively in all-male realms. Also, for the first time Faust experiences a domestic space, a kitchen. How does he react to it? What is the significance of this particular setting? It is known that a kitchen is normally known as a space for women in order to create a dish for the different individuals and their families. In some context, the kitchen is a place where in women devoted their time for the reason that they need to provide food to suppress the feeling of hunger which could result to pain or anger. It is stated in different parts in which directly states that the devil cannot create anything. Although the devil has the power to do different actions which are not naturally for any being, the devil cannot do anything for him or her to generate something. The devil still needs someone that could create something for him. At first Faust did not think that he would be lead into the kitchen of all the available places in the house. As said earlier, a kitchen is a feminine placed which is only designated for a woman. It is obvious that Faust was deeply wondering whether or not he is in the right place and what other possible actions could the devil be asking him now. In my own analysis he felt uncomfortable which then leads to not knowing what to do. But then, the devil was able to explain the different action which he needed to accomplish. Faust is not even close to the thought of having â€Å"girly†materials therefore he disgusts the thought and look of â€Å"dainty†materials around him. Like a typical man, having â€Å"girly†materials and thoughts is something very far from what he needs and wants. However in my own point of view, there is too much hatred which he felt for the â€Å"girly†materials around him. It could be assumed that he is truly angry with girls or he just simply hates dainty materials. In the current times, such materials are not truly hated by men. Although they do not use such material for themselves, there is no sign in which men acts violent when asked about something close to such. Faust’s hatred in my own reflection might be a sign that there is he had a history which such materials or with girls. In the other hand, it could also be assumed that he had frustrations if he sees such kinds of materials. In a feminist view point, the hatred of Faust could be immediately interpreted that he hates how women areâ€â€their attitude their characteristic and their desires. It is known that most women likes such things and most men want to give dainty and adorable things for women to make them happy. It is either he does not want to satisfy women in such sense or he just plainly despises such things for the reason that he is a man who has strong desire of â€Å"manly†things for himself. Like most men, he is someone who was acting tough without any acts of weakness. In the current times, if men desires to have dainty things and are fond or them, it means that he is a homosexual therefore, it could be directly stated that Faust is not homosexual. What is the significance of the image that appears to Faust in the magic mirror on the Witch’s wall? Are there other instances of mirroring in this scene In the first scene in which he entered the Kitchen and was asked if he wanted dainty materials he immediately despised everything and even cursed it. But then, in the scene where a mirror was laid in front of him, it is interesting that he saw a woman standing in front of the mirror. It is puzzling that he despised â€Å"girly†things while when he faced the mirror, he was not able to see himself but a woman who was beautiful which he adores. With such interesting scene there are many assumptions and reflections which could be made. First, it could be assumed that the reflection in the mirror reflects him self. It could be that he wanted to be a woman which could be connected to the happiness which he felt while looking at the mirror adoring the image in front of him. Having someone in front of him who he desires to be is something that homosexuals would be happy about. If this assumption is correct, Faust desires to be a woman and the hatred that he felt about dainty things is something that he was acting for the devil to not think otherwise. During the times where in the image of a beautiful woman was reflected there is a big part of him where he found happiness because in some ways he had become something that he was yearning for in such a long time. In another context, if he is heterosexual it could be easily said that he wants to be with a female. In the context that the story is within an all male realm, the yearning of Faust was awaken. Seeing a beautiful woman made him realize that he wants to be with her and wishes a person close to someone like the image in the mirror. In other conclusion, it could be stated that the image in the mirror is a person which he desires to be with him. It is the mirror who presented what he wanted therefore he became thrilled when he saw the woman. In my own interpretation, the woman he saw was someone who has a very beautiful face, angelic and kind. It could be said that she was the one he wanted for him self to be his partner or his wife in the future. The delight in which was expressed by Faust had been something that was very exquisite. It almost felt like she was what he was waiting for his whole life and that she was someone whom he would do anything for. In the current times, men do not see women in mirrors like Faust have experienced. They are seen everyday like other normal people. Genders are mixed and they are mingling with one another unlike in the story which they were all men in the story. Compared to the value Faust gave when he expressed his happiness while seeing the image, men are not anything close to such kind of value now a days. In the past, men are not as able or they could not easily get a woman which just a few actions. There is a process in which they follow in order to achieve the love and attention of women. Wooing is something that is not practiced now. Individuals just get together when they realize that they have something in common or they like each other. Although women are said to be someone who are special and is worth all the love and affection, some men do express that they do this in order to get what they want. Most of the time, men only uses some strategy to get what they want and need while on the other hand women become used and helpless. In some point, I reflected that situation that: what if there are no women just mirrors to see who and what we want? Would anyone be happy or satisfied? Would men be the men they are now? â€â€most probably not. But then I ask myself, why did Faust look at the image was happily, as lovingly as he was? It puzzles me because none of the lines stated that he was homosexual or something that just wanted to have a family life. But then, I still believe that the imagery that he saw was something he wanted for himself that if he maybe able to have it he will surely be satisfied unlike the other things which are presented to him like the dainty things as well as the images which were focused on the story. In conclusion, the story of Goethe is something that is puzzling and intriguing due to the different contexts that it has. There were issues of gender and desires which could only be explained by the writer himself. However, such could not happen anymore. The theories and the real ideas of this story is left to its readers to assume and hypothesize the thoughts in which are made in the story.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Childhood Essay Example for Free
Childhood Essay Introduction Purpose and aims 2 Context and legal responsibilities 2 About this document 3 A principled approach 4 Setting the standards Providing for equality of opportunity Creating the framework for partnership working Improving quality and consistency Laying a secure foundation for future learning 4 4 5 5 5 Section 2 – Learning and Development Requirements Overview of the areas of learning and development 7 The early learning goals and educational programmes Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication, Language and Literacy Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Knowledge and Understanding of the World Physical Development Creative Development 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 The assessment arrangements Assessment during the EYFS 12 `12 Assessment at the end of the EYFS – the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile 12 Assessment requirements 13 Section 3 Welfare Requirements Overview of the welfare requirements 15 Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare Suitable people Suitable premises, equipment and environment Organisation Documentation 17 24 25 32 33 Section 4 – Other information Other legal duties 35 Competency in English 35 Exemptions Inspection and regulation Local Authorities Where to go for help 35 36 36 37 Appendix 1 Assessment Scales Appendix 2 Specific requirements for qualifications and ratios of adults to children SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Purpose and aims 1. Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support to fulfil their potential. A child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right, and it provides the foundation for children to make the most of their talents as they grow up. When parents choose to use early years services they want to know that provision will keep their children safe and help support them to thrive. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the framework that provides that assurance. 2. The overarching aim of the EYFS is to help young children achieve the five Every Child Matters outcomes of staying safe, being healthy, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution, and achieving economic well-being by: setting the standards for the learning, development and care young children should experience when they are attending a setting outside their family home, ensuring that every child makes progress and that no child gets left behind; promoting equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice and ensuring that every child is included and not disadvantaged because of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability; creating the framework for partnership working between parents and professionals, and between all the settings that the child attends; improving quality and consistency in the early years sector through setting a universal set of standards which apply to all settings, ending the distinction between care and learning in the existing frameworks, and providing the basis for the inspection and regulation regime; and laying a secure foundation for future learning through learning and development which is planned around the individual needs of the child, and informed by the use of ongoing observational assessment. Context and legal responsibilities 3. The EYFS is part of a comprehensive package flowing from the ten year childcare strategy Choice for parents, the best start for children and the landmark Childcare Act 2006. The Act provides the context for the delivery of the EYFS and taken together with the other elements of the strategy, the EYFS will be central to the delivery of the new duties on improving outcomes and reducing inequalities. 4. The EYFS builds on the significant recent developments in early years curriculum and standards. Practitioners will recognise continuity with the principles, pedagogy and approach of the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage, the Birth to Three Matters framework, and the National Standards for Under 8s Day Care and Childminding. These three frameworks are replaced by the EYFS and will be repealed. 5. The EYFS will be given legal force through an Order and Regulations made under the Childcare Act 2006. From September 2008 it will be mandatory for all schools and providers in Ofsted registered settings attended by young children – that is children from birth to end of the academic year in which a child has his or her fifth birthday. The term â€Å"early years provider†includes maintained schools, non-maintained schools, independent schools, and childcare registered by Ofsted on the Early Years Register, all of which are required to meet the EYFS requirements. . 6. It is the legal responsibility of these providers to ensure that their provision meets the learning and development requirements, and complies with the welfare regulations, as required by section 40 of the Childcare Act 2006. About this document 7. This document forms part of the statutory framework for the EYFS. It sets out the learning and development requirements (the early learning goals; the educational programmes; and the assessment arrangements) in Section 2 and the welfare requirements (safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare; suitable people; suitable premises, equipment and environment; organisation; and documentation) in Section 3. The learning and development requirements are given legal force by the Early Years Foundation Stage (Learning and Development Requirements) Order 2007 made under section 39 (1) (a) of the Childcare Act 2006. The welfare requirements are given legal force by Regulations made under section 39 (1) (b) of the Childcare Act 2006. Together, the Order, the Regulations and the Statutory Framework document make up the legal basis of the EYFS. This document has statutory basis by virtue of section 44(1) of the Childcare Act 2006. 8. Providers must ensure that their early years provision complies with the learning and development requirements, and the welfare requirements. In addition, this document contains statutory guidance issued pursuant to Section 44 (4) of the Childcare Act 2006. All providers must have regard to this guidance, which means they must take it into account and, if they decide to depart from it, they must have clear reasons for doing so and be able to demonstrate to the Chief Inspector of Schools in England (Ofsted) that their alternative approach achieves the same ends as the guidance conveys. 9. This document is referred to as the EYFS Statutory Framework and is part of a package of materials which comprise: this document (legal requirements including the Learning and Development Requirements Order and the Welfare Regulations and statutory guidance); EYFS Practice Guidance (contains the learning and development grids, non-statutory guidance, additional advice and information); and EYFS re sources for providers and practitioners (CD-ROM, poster and Principles into Practice cards). A Principled Approach 10. The EYFS principles which guide the work of all practitioners are grouped into four distinct but complementary themes, as set out below: A Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments Learning and Development 11. These four guiding themes underpin effective practice in the EYFS, put the requirements into context, and describe how practitioners should support the development, learning and care of young children. Each theme is supported by four commitments which describe how the principles can be put into practice, and these are expanded on in the EYFS Principles into Practice cards. 12. The four themes also underpin the five aspirations set out in paragraph two which tie into the Every Child Matters Outcomes. Setting the standards 13. The EYFS sets the standards for providers to enable them to reflect the experience which many parents give their children at home. As parents do, providers should deliver individualised learning, development and care which enhances their child’s development and gives them the best possible start in life. Every child should be supported individually to make progress at their own pace and children who need extra support to fulfil their potential should receive special consideration. All providers have an equally important role to play in children’s early years experiences – for example a childminder who sees a child for two hours a day should consider what a child’s individual needs are at that time of day, and ensure that the provision they deliver is both appropriate to those needs and complementary to the education and care which the child receives in its other setting(s). All types of providers have the potential to deliver the EYFS to an excellent standard. Providing for equality of opportunity 14. Providers have a responsibility to promote positive attitudes to diversity and difference – not only so that every child is included and not disadvantaged, but also so that they learn from the earliest age to value diversity in others and grow up making a positive contribution to society in this respect. Practitioners should focus on each child’s individual learning, development and care needs: removing or helping to overcome barriers for children where these already exist; the early identification of and response to needs which could lead to development of difficulties; and stretching and challenging all children. 15. All children, irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, gender or ability have the opportunity to experience a challenging and enjoyable programme of learning and development. Creating the framework for partnership working 16. Partnership working underpins successful delivery of the entire EYFS. Many children will receive education and care in more than one setting and in these cases practitioners must ensure effective continuity and coherence by sharing relevant information both with each other and with parents. Patterns of attendance should be a key factor in practitioners’ planning. Early years practitioners also have a vital role to play in working with parents to identify learning needs and to respond quickly to any area of particular difficulty. It will regularly be appropriate for practitioners to work together with professionals from other agencies, such as local and community health services, or where children are in care to identify needs and use their knowledge and advice to provide the best learning opportunities and environments for all children. Improving quality and consistency 17. The EYFS brings together and simplifies the learning and development and welfare requirements, in addition to ending the distinction between care and learning and between birth-to-three and three-to-five provision.
The Concept of Acculturation
The Concept of Acculturation Acculturation has been defined in many ways and various definitions are provided to give a better understanding of the concept. According to Suinn and Khoo, acculturation is a process that can occur when two or more cultures interact . Furthermore, Berry defined acculturation as a process concerning two or more cultural groups with consequences for both; in effect however, the contact experiences have much greater impact on the non-dominant group and its members . This chapter explains briefly the theoretical concepts at the basis of this study and focuses on the acculturation process of Indian American immigrants with respect to their dress, food, marriage customs, religion and language. As Indians have a very diverse and rich culture going back to thousands of years, one can assume that it may be very difficult for them to change or adapt to a new culture and tradition when they immigrate to America. At the same time we have to assume that Indian culture has also undergone changes within the past 50 years. Some of these issues are discussed in this section with representative examples. It is very important to understand the concepts of cultural change before discussing acculturation. A bilinear model regarding the adaption to a new culture is proposed by John Berry and his colleagues . These authors theorized the following four acculturation attitudes: integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization based on combining either high or low levels of acculturation and enculturation: (see Figure 3.1). The meaning of these four different attitudes is explained. As John Berry claims, integration involves immigrants accepting the new culture, while maintaining close ties with their original culture. These immigrants learn and follow local customs without losing their bond with their customs from their homeland. They are both highly acculturated and enculturated as shown in the diagram below . Assimilation, on the other hand, involves immigrants who totally accept the new culture, and reject their original culture. These immigrants will learn the language and follow local customs so thoroughly that no trace of their original heritage remains. People become assimilated in American society when they erased their cultural identity, unlearned their ethnic cultural practices and beliefs, and accepted the core values of mainstream American culture . Separation occurs when immigrants reject their new culture and live according to the customs of their original culture. These immigrants move to a new culture and find people from their homeland, and live as if they are still in their original culture, only in a different place . Marginalization represents immigrants who reject the new as well as their original culture. These immigrants no longer feel comfortable with their heritage, but the new culture does not appeal to them either . According to Berry, the attitude affects the process of acculturation. For example, as immigrants prepare to go to the U.S., they may have decided to assimilate into the culture. However, upon arrival they discover that they reject some customs of their new country. As a result they change their attitude from assimilation to integration. Thus, the attitude changes according to the various traits of the immigrants. Portes and Rumbaut argue for three major factors that can impact and change the attitude of immigrants. According to Portes and Rumbaut three factors are vital to understanding the acculturation trajectories of contemporary migrants. The first factor is their educational background, fluency in the English language, and economic and class status in their homeland. The second factor refers to the social policies of the host government and the historical and contemporary perceptions and attitudes of the mainstream society toward a particular immigrant group. The third factor is the immigrants social presence and networks and their family structure. The educational background of the immigrant groups and their social class back home are the social and cultural capital that they bring with them, which has an enormous impact on their economic assimilation. Although all three factors help determine how immigrants will acculturate into the larger mainstream American society, the second factor is the most relevant to shaping the acculturation outcomes of many nonwhite immigrants, especially of t hose immigrant groups who have little social and cultural capital and are not white. Even though the Indian Diaspora is racially distinct from the larger American mainstream, professional Indian Americans have an abundance of human-cultural capital acquired through their advanced education, knowledge of the English language, and social class in their home country. The low political profile of the Indian Diaspora also gives them a degree of invisibility that shields them from the scrutiny of the larger mainstream culture . The three major factors of acculturation presented by Portes and Rumbaut naturally change the course of the process for many immigrants. For example, an immigrant with poor English skills, who is determined to assimilate, may find it impossible because of the language barrier and decide instead to integrate into or even separate from the host culture. Bhatias work illustrates the process of how these factors affect Indian immigrants as they adapt to their new culture. Indians after immigrating to America, inevitably undergo some type of adjustment or acculturation process. Though inside the home Indian immigrants could maintain their culture, once outside the home, the system or society itself forced Indians into the acculturation process on all levels of culture. It is necessary to understand how immigrants acculturate in the U.S. As Waters and Bhatia suggest, unlike many Caribbean immigrants, most Indian professionals are middle class, live in suburban America, and are not subject to the structural inequalities of low wages, racism, and violent neighborhoods . However, there are some parallels in how both these groups of migrants come to terms with their racial and ethnic identity. On one hand, the Indian migrants are very proud of their Indian ethnicity and heritage. On the other hand, they invoke what Bhatia calls the discourse of sameness [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] and universal humanity to distance themselves from their racial and ethnic identity . I n other words, they realize that certain costs associated with being Indian are painful and hurtful and that invoking the discourse of sameness is meant to establish equivalence with the white majority. For example, Indian immigrants compare their experiences in the work place with those experiences of white Americans in an attempt to show equality with the majority. In one of Bhatias interviews an immigrant credits his own hard work and accomplishments for his position in the company, while: If I was a white American male, you know, maybe there would be prejudice because Im too short. [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] So being an Indian, I dont think it put me at a different spot. Or at least, thats how I feel . Sunil Bhatias study demonstrates that the members of the transnational Indian Diaspora are more comfortable with a cultural identity than a racial identity because their insertion in the transnational Diaspora has transformed them from being Indian to being people of color . The research illustrates the complicated nature of the acculturation of Indian immigrants. As demonstrated above, the attitude of the immigrants toward their new host country is only a starting point for the process. As these immigrants experience their new culture, their own personal background reshapes their attitude, and changes the way they interact with people, regardless of nationality. Clearly Indian immigrants move through a process as they acculturate to their new surroundings. While Berry, Portes and Rumbaut and Bahtia all approach the subject from different directions and perspectives, and though they may not agree with one another, it is clear that each body of research illustrates a complicated process of acculturation. Taken individually the research results may appear to be contradictory, however, a closer analysis shows that their research actually supports one another. The attitude of the immigrants, studied by Berry, plays a major role in the process, but these attitudes may change in response to the three major factors affecting acculturation presented by Portes and Rumbaut. This ever changing process has been documented in Bhatias work, which demonstrates that immigrants adapt individually to their new culture, in this case the United States. That means there is no set formula for determining what will happen to an immigrant once he or she arrives. This process takes place within any immigrant to any country, therefore it will be beneficial to de monstrate specifically some of the elements unique to Indian immigrants, and how these elements influence the process. Influencing Elements of Acculturation Family Perhaps the most important element to consider for Indian immigrants is family. As these Indian immigrants relocate to the U.S., start a family and begin the process of finding their place in society, it is important to understand the processes which influence the impact of acculturation on their families. To first-generation Indian immigrants and their children, family plays a vital role in their lives. Hodge agrees with this assessment, and points out the stark difference between Indian culture and western culture. Western culture emphasizes the individual, material success and secularism. The Indian culture, by contrast, places much more value on community, especially the family, and on spiritual matters . Acculturation plays an important role in understanding about the family structure, including family conflict as well as differences between first and second-generations. For example, the process and outcomes of acculturation determine which values are important to the first-generation and therefore retained and passed on to the succeeding generations. In addition, the process of acculturation might also determine expectations for subsequent generations. For example an assimilated individual would expect the same from his or her children. Most of the work reviewed on acculturation includes some variables related to the family structure, including family conflict, specifically intergenerational family conflict. Some scholars dedicated their studies to South Asian families. Among them, for example, Mathews provided a more general consideration of South Asian families to explain how they function. First, she explains the relationship of the family in a social order, where the father is usually considered the head of the family, which continues to be the traditional way of Indian families in America. Furthermore, she describes the role of both father and mother in the family, in which the mother usually takes care of the household and raises the children and the father usually serves as decision maker and provider . Bringing up the children in a new and different culture, which often conflicts with their core ethnic values, creates problems for not only the parents but also for their children. As values may be extracted from both the native culture and host culture, it is inevitable that conflicts arise. Thus, in this case both parents and children struggle to balance family values of their own culture with the family values of the mainstream culture. In addition, according to the traditional Indian family, the eldest person is considered to be a decision maker such as career decisions for family members or approving marriages. This naturally means parents, especially in the first-generation, make the important decisions . Clearly the attitude of immigrants from India to the U.S. will be greatly influenced by the strength of their bond to their traditional family values. This attitude will steer them through their acculturation process. Dress According to Khandelwal, Indian American immigrants have a mixed type of acculturation regarding dress. It is quite different for men as compared to women. In the case of men, they adopted western dress more easily than women due to the influence of colonialism. Indian American men started wearing a western style of dress even from the first-generation. However, most of these first-generation Indian immigrants do not have a correct idea of the weather and climate system of the U.S. For example, an Indian man, who came to America in the winter of 1994, was wearing a light silk suit and shivering outside. One old man saw him and told him: Son, this is not the time to show off your new silk suit. I told you how it is going to be cold here today. If you catch a cold or become sick, nobody will take care of you in this country. Here you have to take care of yourself. All the money your family spent on making this suit for America will go down drain in one doctors visit here. There will be other occasions when you can use this suit! . Indian women immigrants are recognized mainly by their traditional dress called sari. Accordingly many female Indian immigrants try to preserve their culture by continuing to wear this kind of traditional dress. Saris are considered works of art due to the careful design and color combinations. However, in the workplace they alternatively wear western style clothing. An Indian woman who immigrated to America during the 1990s was forced to wear Western dress due to her job requirements as a cashier in a store. She said the following: See, I have to wear these mens clothes here. Its ok because I am doing mens job here. Our clothes do not fit in this American culture. To feel Indian, we can wear our own clothes when we are not on the job Before coming to America, she had never worked outside of her house and wore only traditional clothing. However, she adapted to the Western dress because American culture forced her to do so . Khandelwal continues to suggest that US born immigrant children are unlikely to continue wearing traditional dress. For example, young female immigrants in America prefer having readily made kurta-pyjama outfits to the saris, because they do not know how to wear these saris . At the same time, weddings among Indian Americans still continue to be traditional, in which the couple wears traditional dresses either bought in America or brought from India during a visit to the home country. However, due to some specific reasons, some of the Indian American immigrants and their children mostly use western styles only. For example, Nikki Haley, a daughter of Sikh Indian immigrants and one of the current rising stars in the Republican Party, wears mostly a suit, rejecting the sari in order to gain greater public acceptance while running for governor of South Carolina in November 2010 . There is a significant difference in clothing style between India and the U.S. Immigrants who desire to retain their cultural style of dress will have different experiences with acculturation than those who are willing to accept western standards. This plays a bigger role in the lives of women immigrants than for men. Religion Religion plays a major role in the life style of Asian Indian Americans. Religious beliefs and practices are intricately interwoven with the aspects of acculturation and cultural identity of these immigrants. So it is important to understand the influence of religion on the acculturation of Asian Indian immigrants. India is a country of diverse religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. Among these religions, 82.6 % of Indians practice the Hindu religion which makes up a clear majority of the population, while the remaining 17.4% of the population practices Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism and Parsis . These percentages reflect the population of India; however, Pakistan and Bangladesh have larger percentages of population which practice Islam. The existence of many religions in India indicates that religion plays a major role for Indian people. Thus, most of the Indian people have one religious belief, whether it is Hindu, Islam, Christianity, etc. Each immigrant community brought its own sociological traditions from its place of origin, including ethical and religious behaviors. In the same way when Indians first started to migrate to the United States, they essentially had to carry out religious practices and teachings on their own . As the population of immigrants practicing Hinduism increased, so increased the number of religious organizations. With the development of a greater Hindu population practicing religion at home and in specific religious organizations became the norm. Leonard also noted that as the number of Indian immigrants has increased, religion has naturally become more important, as it has become a part of Indian American identity. Hinduism helps Indian Americans differentiate themselves in the United States, from mainstream U.S. culture as well as from other Asian and South Asian groups . Like earlier immigrants, the post-1965 Indian immigrants maintained their belief system, which provided an important way to keep and transmit their values to following generations . Most of the Indian immigrants in America can practice their religion. As an Indian immigrant Rupu notes: I think thats what it is about America. Thats what brought everybody here. Its that being American you can be who you want to be and still be an American. Theres a freedom of religion, a freedom of expression . In America, the practice of Hinduism reflects its American surroundings. For instance, most related religious activities take place on weekends in order to suit work schedules and priests explain sacred texts in English, rather than Hindi or Sanskrit . Asian American immigrants faced lot of challenges due to strong religious beliefs which influenced their acculturation. For example, their religious beliefs may be challenged or even given up as they are exposed to the religious beliefs, practices, symbols, and rhetoric of the mainstream culture. For Asian American immigrants who are faced with prejudice, racism, and discrimination, religious conversion may provide a sense of refuge and facilitate processes of assimilation and acculturation, which may explain why the majority of Asian Americans in the United States identify themselves as Christian . But one should not assume that Asian American immigrants adopt Christianity merely as a way to be accepted by the majority culture. Indeed, for some Asian American immigrants, Christianity is their religion of choice. However, it is different in the case of immigrants from India. As Khandelwal claims, unlike other Asian immigrants, Indians who are mostly from Hindu religion, have displayed little questioning of their faiths and they are unlikely to convert to another religion. Moreover, Hinduism, the dominant religion in India, faces the challenge of being a minority religion in America, where Christianity is dominant . These immigrants will therefore face the challenge of maintaining their belief system in the minority, which is opposite from their homeland. This in turn, will affect their acculturation process greatly as they struggle with their religious views. Clearly religion plays a major role in the process of adapting to a new culture. Religion is especially important for Asian Indian immigrants, who already place a high value on their own belief system. Whether holding fast to their own religion, or converting to some other religion, these immigrants will practice some kind of religion after their arrival in the U.S. Food Indians who have a vast variety of food habits have a hard time adapting easily to Western food. One of the major causes for this lies in the great number of religions practiced by Indian immigrants. As a result of religious food laws many of Indias people do not consume animal products, which include eggs. The work of Bankston and Hidalgo shows that Indian immigrants are highly unwilling to change their food consumption habits. For example, most Indian Hindus avoid beef and pork, while Pakistanis avoid pork and alcoholic beverages. Most Indians prefer meals from their own culture. However, in households with children, American style meals have become more frequent . Indians have preferred home-cooked meals for a long time, and it has been a part of their culture. They believe that eating at home together with all members of their family is an important ritual for bonding with each other. Many Indian Americans continue to preserve their traditional food habits in America. However, most of the Indians are also adapting to Western food. One example is that pizza is the next alternative food in popularity when compared to their native foods, as well as a timesaver when cooking at home. Indian parents in America expect their children to appreciate home-cooked food more than meals eaten outside the home, although sometimes US born children have a hard time understanding why they need to eat homemade food . Some Indians run Indian restaurants, where they serve national food for not only Indians but also other Americans. As Indian food is mainly spicy, the waiters ask American customers if they prefer their food mild, medium or spicy. One owner of an Indian restaurant had the following to say: I have seen situations where Indian food can send them sweating all over [running to decrease their spiciness by drinking more water or juices] that is not good for our business, so we try to accommodate them . For many Indian immigrants food plays a major role in the acculturation process. While religion prohibits complete adaptation to American food, traditional spices and preparation of Indian cuisine varies greatly from that of Western cuisine. This also plays a role in preventing some Indians from accepting the new style of food. Naturally everyone must eat, therefore food plays a major role in the acculturation process. Marriage Customs According to Indian tradition, Indians get married based on an arranged marriage usually within their own community. This tradition has been preserved from generation to generation. The selection of a marriage partner depends on a set of persons recommended by the partners families (with the full approval and consent of the parents). Family or community members continue to be involved in the selection of a suitable mate. The family and educational backgrounds of the potential partner are thoroughly examined before introductions are made. Indians believe that their children will be happier if they are married to someone who shares the same history, tradition, religion, and social customs and who will be able to impart these values to their children, thus ensuring the continuity of the community. They believe that such marriages made within the community tend to be more stable and long lasting than those that cross community borders . In fact, many American born Asian Indians encounter tremendous obstacles in dating and marriage. On the one hand, their parents warn them not to date until they marry and expect that the children get married according to an arranged marriage which is a custom brought over from India . Indian parents believe that sexual contact before the marriage is immoral and corrupt. On the other hand, the American born children have friends for whom dating is very common and normal. These immigrants desire to fit in the environment in which they find themselves. Accordingly there have been many cases where some Indian lovers are secretly married, and in the worst case, some couples have committed suicide as of result of their relationship being rejected by family. However, some Asian Indian American men and women still prefer to return to their homelands for arranged marriages. In these cases, family members at home seek out appropriate possibilities for marriage to their son or daughter. At the right time, the son or daughter returns home to choose from the candidates assembled by their family . Even the other religion practiced by these immigrants plays a role in the process of acculturation. For example Muslim parents usually accept interfaith marriages for boys, because children customarily follow the fathers faith. However, daughters face a greater challenge because parents do not want their grandchildren to lose their Islamic affiliation . Some Indians came after their marriage in India, whereas some came as students. Most of the students have returned to India for getting married. There are also a few instances where an Indian married an American because of the relationship between the countries and individuals. Other Indians have dated Americans. However, the fact is that dating is not a traditional Indian custom and Indian parents tend to warn their children not to date, although they are slowly yielding to their offsprings demands to be allowed to date . The situation of arranged marriages in India is changing too. As second-generation immigrants Sanjay and Veera observed that: Even in India you see people pushing back and becoming more Westernized, more mainstream. Ive seen my cousins, and [by, #184] leaps and bounds, theyve gone past what is traditional. [Indian American young adults] dont drink and smoke and have lived a sheltered life. Theyve always lived at home and havent gone out much. My cousins in India are more advanced. A lot of my cousins married their boyfriends . Customs surrounding marriage can have a major impact on the acculturation process. Especially for those coming from India, where marriages are still arranged by family, the concept of dating before marriage creates an obstacle for many parents and their children. While customs among Indian immigrants are changing, allowing for young people to find their own spouse, many first-generation immigrants have a hard time letting go of old habits. For these families the acculturation process will be influenced by the marriage customs of the U.S. Language Different languages are spoken in India depending on different regions. Some languages are quite independent and difficult to understand by the neighboring people who speak a different language. In spite of these language differences, most people are able to speak Hindi due to its status as a national language and English due to British colonial rule for two centuries in India. The Indian government recognized the English language as an additional official language. Language is one of the main norms that brings people together and helps them to adapt to the U.S. Proficient English knowledge is one of the reasons Indians migrate to America, and it also helps them to assimilate more easily into life in America . After 1965 most of the Indians arrived in America from different language groups. However, they all knew English. Most immigrants join Indian communities, where they can practice not only Hindi but also their regional language. As Khandelwal claims, first and second-generation immigrants practice different uses of language in America. As for the first-generation, they tend to speak English and at the same time they tend to maintain their native language. However, first-generation immigrants face linguistic problems to speak American English due to their thick Indian accent. The second-generation immigrants who are already born and brought up in the US are usually thought to speak English with an American accent and rejected their parents Indian accent, in turn; their parents considered their childrens English as too American. These second-generation Indian immigrants are involved with Indian languages through movies, songs or when they visit India. Though they understand their parents language, most of them are not able to speak or to write it . According to Khandelwal, the first-generation immigrants tend to be more integrated speaking both English and their mother tongue, whereas the second-generation grows up speaking English as a mother tongue and learn their parents language only to satisfy their parents wishes. Obviously, language plays an important role in the acculturation process for Indian immigrants. While many immigrants have already learned English before they arrived, their English proficiency affects their ability to assimilate into the new culture.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Abortion and the Importance of Religion :: Papers
Abortion and the Importance of Religion There is a negative relationship between support for abortion and the importance of religion, while controlling party affiliation. Among males, there is a negative relationship between support for abortion and the importance of religion. Among females, there is a negative relationship between support for abortion and the importance of religion. A person’s religious background greatly influences whether or not they support abortion. When religion plays an important role in someone’s life, they are less likely to support abortion. Most religions strongly disapprove of the taking of someone’s life. They consider it one of the highest sins a human can commit. They believe that abortion is considered murder because even a fetus has a spirit so it shall be considered a living human. When religion plays a less important role in a person’s life, they are more likely to support abortion. These people are more likely to consider reasons for the abortion rather than never permitting it. These people tend to look at the women and why she is requesting the abortion. They are less likely to consider a fetus a living being until it is born. The first hypothesis indicates that the higher the importance of religion is to a person the less supportive they would be of abortion, with regards to that persons political party affiliation. The party in which a person identifies with will have a direct effect on the link between support for abortion and the importance of religion. Political parties, as well as a persons religious background, play a major role in attitudes towards different issues. By nature, democrats are more likely to approve abortion than republicans. A person’s religious background usually has an effect on which party they associate themselves with. Therefore, there must be a link between a person’s party affiliation, religious background, and their support of abortion. The second and third hypotheses indicate that gender has an effect on support for abortion based on their religious beliefs. I believe that men are less likely to approve abortion than women because of the women’s’ movement that has been going on for years. Many women are more apt to approve of the idea of pro-choice. They want to decide what is best for them, not some politician in Washington, D.C. A 90’s women is more independent than say a 50’s women. They are battling for women’s rights. Abortion is a very controversial issue which directly effects women’s rights. I believe that
Monday, August 19, 2019
Djuna Barnes: A Forgotten Ferocity of the 1920s Essay example -- puzzl
Djuna Barnes was an outspoken and fiercely witty modernist writer of the 1920’s. She was known for her somewhat puzzling writing, her bravery when it came to her own journalism, and her everyday intense persona. She is a figure that, one would think, would have never been forgotten, yet with time, and somewhat by her own doing, she has faded into the background of the 1920’s writers. So much so that, â€Å"Barnes once described herself as 'the most famous unknown writer', and this was an astute remark.†(Loncraine.) Barnes was born in 1892, in New York state to her mother and her eccentric Father (who was rather fond of polyamory). She lived in a home with her Grandmother, Father, Mother, her Father’s Mistress, and her brothers and sisters. She and her sibling were never formally schooled, but instead taught by their Grandmother, whose description in Rebecca Loncraine’s article, lends an understanding to Djuna’s unique personality, The Barnes children were all educated at home, largely by their grandmother, Zadel Barnes, who was a suffragist, journalist and spirit medium. Barnes's childhood was not happy, and it haunted her writing. (Loncraine) After the separation of her parents, in 1912, she with her Mother and brothers, moved to New York City. She studied at the Pratt Institute of art, until financial troubles forced her to look for work to support her family and her grandmother’s failing health. She is said to have walked into the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and announced, â€Å"I can draw and write, and you’d be a fool not to hire me,†a bold statement that landed her a job in journalism, where her career as a soon to be modernist would begin to flourish. Just as her statement that landed her the job was bold, so was her approach to writ... writer in Paris in the 1920s. For Joyce presented Miss Barnes in 1923 with the original manuscript of Ulysses containing all of it’s annotations. Works Cited: Loncraine, Rebecca. "Djuna Barnes: an unknown modernist: Rebecca Loncraine introduces Djuna Barnes, one of America's least known and most intriguing Modernist writers." The English Review 15.3 (2005): 34+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. Field, Andrew, and Andrew Field. Djuna, the Formidable Miss Barnes. Austin: University of Texas, 1985. Print. Bombaci, Nancy. "â€Å"Well Of Course, I Used To Be Absolutely Gorgeous Dear†: The Female Interviewer As Subject/Object In Djuna Barnes's Journalism." Criticism 44.2 (2002): 161-185. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 7 Apr. 2014. Barnes, Djuna. The Book of Repulsive Women: 8 Rhythms and 5 Drawings. Los Angeles, CA: Sun & Moon, 1994. Print.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Slavery In Illinois Essays -- Slavery Essays
Slavery in Illinois This essay talks about the dated events that happened in Illinois, focusing on slavery, from the time it begun, whether it should be implemented or not, its abolishment, and up to the time it ended. The paper also contains a well-opinionated reaction about slavery, how it is different from today. The Civil War Period has always been the primary hub of teaching in any American History classes. The era between the American Revolution and the Civil War was of a great importance since it has been the best and worst part of the western civilization during those times. The limelight was theirs when we turn back the pages of history. Consequently, slavery as an economic system and as a moral disgrace is one of the very most scandalous trend after the coming of the war. Prominent people had actual arguments about whether they are either pro-slavery or abolitionist, thus making the system even worse. Colonization to constraint of slavery on its natural eventual downfall is not merely the case now. Today, normal people have the same opinion about the moral repugnancy of slavery, and are left with a more complex idea about why many people supported the institution of slavery and why it was so difficult to eliminate that "peculiar institution." The first Africans landed in Jamestown, in Virginia in the year 1619. Having them appeared as an indentured servants, there was an institution that allows the black for hereditary lifetime service. From there, transportation of slaves from Africa to the West Indies became rampant. During this time, there were no rules applied for the slaves. The only rule is that restricting all the rights of the servants. (Davis, 79) Because of the ongoing scenario, the British America recog... the historical fact." Up to this date, people still depend on slaves. It might not be as harsh or as controversial as before, but still there were distinctive similarities that should be considering each one as a racist. The Black people or the Africans still carry the brand name that they were once a slave. Even so, one should not be able to acquire such idea since people of today are quite more rational and open than before. †¢ Ekberg, Carl J., Stealing Indian Women: Native Slavery in the Illinois Country, University of Illinois Press 2007 †¢ Dunne, Edward F., Illinois: The Heart of the Nation, 1933 †¢ Dirst, T. Illinois During the Civil War,; Digitization Project 2005 †¢ Dexter, D. Slavery In Illinois: How and Why the Underground Railroad Existed; 2004
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Learning To be a Team Player
1) Can you suggest on how to develop the skills of becoming a team player?To develop the skills of becoming a team player, instead of working separately from your team mates it is more effective to work as a team. Team working can bring benefits to other colleagues. By tapping into the software which can help you share your research, your findings on the reports or the proposed first draft of that vital memorandum with other people as well as the pooled results of other colleagues’ feedback may be a great advantage to you or your other colleagues. By working as a team you can gain more ideas from other co-members. It does not matter if you are team leader or a member of a team, what is important is the way you work together as a team. Each individual has an important part to play in team working.2) How would you relate your personal experiences on learning to become a team player?Based on my personal experiences, I believe that a good team player must possess qualities in orde r to succeed on the job. A good team player must be patient and he must be respectful of other team members’ voice and also he must understand that to be a team player they have to be open minded to the point of view of his team mates. Team players must not hoard information and they should share it with other team mates. They should make sure that exact information is transferred to the right person.They must cooperate and not compete with other staff or the department. Good team players must be optimistic and in addition to that he must be happy to attract other members and encourage recognition of achievements. They should focus on the positive and not on the negative side in order not to let them down. They must understand that complaining and making excuses can cause frustrations on the other members and it fosters negativity. In addition to that, they must be adaptable to change and they must be a good negotiator, which means that in every situation they must know how t o compromise and dissect common points of view of the members instead of emphasizing their differences. Without these qualities that the team players must possess the team will not succeed.3) How do you define job success?In my own point of view job success is gained when you have achieved something important in your job, for instance, you were able to do the task given to you or you were able to find the solutions on the problems that were given to you. Success is achieved when you have attained the goal of the job and you are satisfied and happy with the results. You can say that you have succeeded on a job when there is a sense of fulfillment.4) How to have a successful team?You must have a shared culture in order to have a successful team. Team culture must largely be built on fitness, intensity in training, individual respect as well as respect for the group. In order to have a successful team it is important that: a) Mission must be clearly defined and articulated. Moreover it must be clearly understood. These includes understanding of the purpose of the project, the strategy for getting the work accomplished, the ultimate goal, the benefits that the people will get when the goal is achieved, the measurement system that will be used, as well as how differences of opinion or other conflicts are going to be handled; b) All team members must be positive thinkers.There must be no excuses and saying that they cannot do the task because if that happens, the team will not function well; c) Members must not be selfish; d) Each team member must have enough self confidence and self respect  to respect other members of the team; e) Team members must be ready to take actions if ever there are distractions, abrupt change of course and unproductive or ancillary issues that would greatly affect the project; f) The motives of the other members must be trusted by each member; and g) As much as possible, the team has to be small because if the number people are more th an necessary in a team, the members will then start functioning like a committee.5) What are the tips you can give or impart in order to obtain success on the job?In order to succeed on a job the following tips must be done: a) Team players must exhibit a can-do attitude meaning they should take on any assigned task whether it is small or a big task. They must take the initiative to acquire the new skills and accept all criticism graciously and do not take it personally. Think that every criticism that they will get will be good for improving the job given to them; b) Team players must learn the unwritten rules. They should get to know their co-workers early, ask questions as well as pay attention to how they interact with each other;c) The team members should take their task seriously, be dependable, be diligent and accurate in their work; d) They should meet the deadlines, do the assignment before it is too late and if in cases that they believe they wont bit the deadline, it is i mportant to inform the supervisor right away and explain why they could not meet the deadline, and provide an outline steps that will be taken in order to complete the entire assignment as well as when do they expect to finish it; e) Team players can set realistic goals and expectations. In addition to that, to assess performance in order to improve, they should seek regular reviews from the supervisor.f) When one is new on the job, he must assume that there are people who knows more than he does, but do not be afraid to present ideas that will be useful and may save time, money or solve the problems in a respectful way. Know the proper way to address the individuals, as well as the customers; g) Team players should be flexible and accept wide variety of tasks that will be given to them, even those that may not be directly related to their assignments. By showing their willingness to do this, especially during those busy times, it will help them build theirr reputation as a team pla yer; h) Be a team player, get along and interact with others. Moreover, they must be willing to share and consider the effects of your actions on the entire group;i) They should get a mentor, someone who is willing to take an interest in developing your career and success; j) They should get to know their co-workers; and k) They must be friendly, participate in social function in their work and become an active member in your work community. Do not hesitate to accept invitations from their co-workers to have lunch because with this they can get to know each other well and they will be comfortable with each other in doing your work.I would like to thank you for spending your time in allowing me to conduct an interview. I am very grateful that you have shared some insights and helped me on my research by suggesting about how to be a team player at work. Your suggestions, such as working as a team instead of working separately from your team mates as more effective way in achieving suc cess on a job, your insights on how to have a successful team as well as your tips on how to succeed on a job would be of great help in my everyday undertakings. From now on I am going to do what you have suggested.Moreover, I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing me your experiences and imparting your knowledge on how I can be successful in my job.The researcher has chosen a written report format for the project core. To present a written report format, all the project core questions were answered in complete sentences. All the questions given were answered in at least one paragraph.Project CoreSkill: Learning to be a team playerGoal: To Learn on how to be a team player and to know the skills needed in order to succeed at work. Why do you want to develop this skill? What does it mean to you in terms of job success?To develop this skill is essential, because being a team player is highly valued today and it is important in achieving job success. It takes s kills to be good at learning to be a team player. Being a team player is a matter of attitude, which means you must be a positive influence on your other team members. It helps them increase their morale by helping to look at the benefits and the positive effects of change which happens within the department and keeping a level head in heated situations. With these skills one will know how to deal with co-workers, and he will be able to encourage them to work with the projects and assignments.Team players would learn to respect and value other members’ opinions and ideas. The skills that the team player will gain and develop can be of great help and be used in finding and solving the problems or situations given to the team. Therefore with these developed skills and with the team effort solutions on the projects can be found, the shortest time possible, thus success in doing the job will be achieved.4) What strategy will help you obtain your goal?In order to obtain the goal t he team members should work hand in hand. They should make decisions using consensus method to create marketing strategy based on their work situation. They should review, analyze and identify successful methods or solutions that will help them in finding the solutions to problems or assignments on their job. Opinion and ideas of other members are important contribution in solving the problem. Each member plays an important part in achieving success on the job. Therefore, team work is important for the team players in order to succeed.5) What first step will you take towards obtaining your goal?Goals and mission must be clearly defined and articulated. Moreover it must be clearly understood. These includes understanding of the purpose of the project, strategy for getting the work accomplished, ultimate goal, benefits that the people will get when the goal is achieved, measurement system that will be used, as well as how differences of opinion or other conflicts are going to be handl ed6) Take the first step and describe your actions and thoughts.After identifying the mission, purpose of the project and goals, the strengths and weakness of each member must be identified. Encourage each member to think positively, motivate and inspire each other in a team. Think about the team’s future needs and discuss thoughts with other team members and encourage them to work together in order to meet those needs. Get their personal opinions and exchange ideas. Review, analyze and identify successful methods and or solutions on the problem or situation that they are trying to solve. Team players must be open with suggestions being offered by each member and they should discuss the problems as a group to be successful on the job. We should take into considerations that each member plays an important part in the team.ConclusionTo develop the skills of becoming a team player, instead of working separately from your team mates it is more effective to work as a team. Team wo rking can bring benefits to other colleagues. You can gain more ideas from each member by working as a team.Team player must possess qualities in order to be a good one and succeed. A good team player must be patient and respectful of other team members’ voice. He must understand that to be a team player they have to be open-minded to the point of view of his team mates. They must not hoard information and they should share it with other team mates. They should make sure that exact information is transferred to the right person. They must cooperate and not compete with other staff or the department.They must be optimistic and happy to attract other members and encourage recognition of achievements. They should focus on the positive and not on the negative side in order not to let them down. Complaining and making excuses can cause frustrations on the other members and it fosters negativity. In addition to that, they must be adaptable to change and be a good negotiator, they m ust know how to compromise and dissect common points of view of the members instead of emphasizing their differences. Without these qualities that the team players must possess the team will not succeed.Moreover, success is achieved when you have attained the goal of the job and you are satisfied and happy with the results. You can say that you have succeeded on a job when there is a sense of fulfillment. You must have a shared culture in order to have a successful team. In order to have a successful team it is important that mission must be clearly defined and articulated; all team members must be positive thinkers and there must be no excuses and saying that they can do the task because if that happens, the team will not function well; members must not be selfish; each team member must have enough self confidence and self respect to respect other members of the team; team members must be ready to take actions if ever there are distractions, abrupt change of course and unpro ductive or ancillary issues that would greatly affect the project; the motives of others members must be trusted by each member; and as much as possible, the team has to be small because if the number people are more than necessary in a team, the members wi num num num num num num num num committee.To become a team player and succeed on the job a team must set specific goals. Each member should focus on the goal of the team and they should be held accountable in meeting them. Other members should be allowed to participate in setting the goals. They should work as a team. Different experiences and opinions of each member should be valued. Ideas of each member should be valued. If someone do something well, do not hesitate to compliment a team member. Learn to acknowledge the contributions of others, and never take credits for works or ideas that are not yours. Share your ideas and opinions to contribute to the team.Flexibility must be developed. There are greater chance of surviving and thriving in a workplace for workers who can adapt to changes in a workplace.It is important to become friendly and respectful with other team members. The opinions and ideas of other members must be accepted and respected. Each member must be willing to learn new skills. Teach and share the knowledge you have to other members. Work hard and encourage team members to do the same.When mistakes are committed, admit it and avoid taking the blame on someone else or make excuses about what had happened.Volunteer to help other team members when they needed it. Think about the future needs of the team discuss it with other team members and encourage them to work together as a team in order to meet those needs.Do not just complain about something that bothers you but instead do something to make it better and offer solution and be prepared to carry it out. Learn to compromise with others. Being part of the group, you will not always get it your own way. Learn to accept it when the team d ecided to go with the ideas of other members. Do not hesitate to ask questions for clarification on things you do not understand.
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